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  Lake Maggiore >  Places >  Maccagno lake Maggiore vacation - hotels, camping, apartments, holiday house, agritourism, ville


Maccagno is the only one of the towns on the coast of Lake Maggiore to be split into two distinct locations, down and up, a distinction imposed by the position of the two villages on the broad estuary of the river Giona, whose course separates them, and the light gradient that has distinguished the name: one north of the river, almost clinging to the slopes of the valley Veddasca which has always been the natural outlet, the other to the south, unfolds around a bay sheltered from the winds, almost natural harbor.

The recent walk to the lake and a museum suspended over the waters of the river connect the two centers of Maccagno. The lakeside of the town offers the tourist a close relationship with the waters that many other countries in the Lombardy side do not. The new museum-bridge ParisiValle represents a bridge between different cultures, combining but respecting the individuality of the two villages that form Maccagno.



Vacation on Italian lakes
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